Are you ready to submit a grant proposal?

Our team works collaboratively with community stakeholders to support Uniswap’s future growth. We’re here to support you along the way during the grant-making process, and compiled the resources below for guidance.

Our Grant-Making Process

We encourage you to read about how we fund projects and initiatives for our current season of grants, including how our grant-making process works.


Uniswap Foundation’s category leads write a grant thesis memo that clearly defines a new program’s drivers, scope, and grantee core competencies. This includes an approximate budget. The memo is finalized after soliciting feedback from external experts and advisors.


The Foundation conducts diligence on potential grant recipients. The top teams submit proposals, which entails a detailed timeline, milestones, their approach to tracking our KPIs, and a detailed budget. We select the team that best meets the defined criteria.


The Foundation conducts diligence on potential grantee recipients. The top 1-2 teams submit proposals, which entails a detailed timeline, milestones, their approach to tracking our KPIs, and a detailed budget. We select the team that best meets the defined criteria.


The selected grantee works with our Grants Lead to set expectations on process, success metrics, and community resources. We KYC all grantees in this phase. Once the contract is signed, we are ready to communicate externally.

Marketing and Communication

$250K+ initiatives and beyond are announced to the public via the Foundation’s channels including our website, blog and social media. We continue to provide the grantees marketing support throughout the lifetime of the initiative.

Marketing and Communication

$250K+ initiatives and beyond are announced to the public via the Foundation’s channels including our website, blog and social media. We continue to provide the grantees marketing support throughout the lifetime of the initiative.


The grantee meets regularly with the UF team throughout the duration of their work. This includes monthly milestone check-in calls and a quarterly KPI review.

What we're looking for

What We’re Funding

Projects and programs in alignment with one our six grants categories: Developer Relations, Research, Governance, Innovation, Security, Protocol.

Large-scale ideas that take 1-2 years to fully execute (check size $250k+).

Open source public goods to benefit the entire DeFi ecosystem.

What We’re Not Funding

Small-scale grants and projects under $250k

Unsolicited inbound grants (we’re focusing on bigger-picture strategic initiatives)

Content or event partnerships

Grants going towards closed source initiatives

Application Resources