Seeding the owners
of Uniswap’s future

Ecosystems flourish when key contributors forge committed relationships to build and maintain the system. That is why our grants program is structured to fund large-scale, long-term projects and initiatives.

With $30M to allocate in grants over the next two years, we designed our approach to foster a network of community nodes, ensuring that teams are not just recipients of grant awards, but active contributors for the long term.


Uniswap Foundation has been invaluably helpful; from giving us fast feedback, suggesting improvements to the curriculum, and much more — the Uniswap Hook Incubator would not be where it's at today without them.

Ethan Chan, Allium Labs [DEX Analytics Portal]

The Uniswap Foundation has gone the extra mile to plug us with the leading ecosystem partners that push DeFi products forward.


Uniswap Foundation has been invaluably helpful; from giving us fast feedback, suggesting improvements to the curriculum, and much more — the Uniswap Hook Incubator would not be where it's at today without them.

Ethan Chan, Allium Labs, DEX Analytics Portal

The Uniswap Foundation has gone the extra mile to plug us with the leading ecosystem partners that push DeFi products forward.

Areas of Funding

Uniswap Foundation is allocating $30M in grant funding to teams across six categories, each of which are oriented around specific stakeholders.


A robust developer ecosystem of long-term builders, contributors and maintainers will help us cultivate a sustainable developer ecosystem for the Uniswap Protocol. Our long-term objective is to increase the number of full-time developers building on Uniswap. 

We are funding broad-base initiatives that:

  • Build a pipeline of core contributors and developers to the Uniswap protocol
  • Promote adoption and applications for Uniswap v4 Hooks  
  • Increase the number of successful projects built on Uniswap


Our market position as an accelerationist DeFi solution is dependent upon cutting-edge research. We partner with best-in-class researchers to encourage applied research implementations to facilitate Uniswap’s growth in leading technological advances in AMMs.

Currently, we are exploring long-term research funding opportunities in service of:

  • AMM / DEX design research papers and implementations 
  • Uniswap v4 hook designs 
  • Shared sequencing research
  • Increasing the pipeline of PhD level researchers


Our collaborative ecosystem of delegates, contributors, and other stakeholders lays the groundwork for a self-sustaining, resilient governance model. Our long-term objective is to increase the number of values-aligned delegates who participate in governance and also increase its efficiency.

We are currently funding select projects and teams that enhance our ability to:

  • Increase Uniswap governance's mindshare across the broader ecosystem 
  • Increase number of values-aligned delegates participating in Uniswap governance


In order to unlock the power and potential of the Uniswap protocol, our long-term objective is to implement a sustainable protocol business model that reinforces growth. In service of this goal, we fund projects that increase order flow diversity to the protocol through new interfaces and also drive continued research on incentives routing.

We are currently funding select projects that drive toward:

  • Mechanism design research and implementations 
  • Incentive design research and programs
  • UIs and applications that drive that drive significant orderflow


A robust developer ecosystem of long-term builders, contributors and maintainers will help us cultivate a sustainable developer ecosystem for the Uniswap Protocol

The mission of the Security category is to uphold the Uniswap Protocol's reputation for reliability & security. This means funding audits, bug bounties, and other events and initiatives to ensure the security of the Protocol and its supporting infrastructure. As one of the most used codebases in crypto, the UF feels a responsibility to uphold our reputation for reliability and security.

To learn more, dive into the announcement of the Security funding category.


Support continued Protocol development and innovation. This means supporting the future evolution of the Uniswap core protocol, as well as funding and guiding the development of complementary protocols and supporting infrastructure. Our strategy will allocate funds towards development with the goal of improving core user experience: reducing execution cost and latency, while exploring other opportunities to further create value for all stakeholders. We plan to both provide support to existing protocol developers, and to bring new teams into the fold.

To learn more, dive into the announcement of the Protocol funding category.

Request For Proposals

The Uniswap Foundation works with community members to better understand the discrete needs for network participants. Sometimes the process is open and anyone can submit a proposal, and sometimes we go through a diligence process with a few selected teams. Check out any open RFP opportunities below.